My first project in Unreal Engine 5, which also won the Quantum V1.0 Fest's Refab.GD (Game Development) event in 2022.

This is a short horror game set in an Ancient Cursed Japanese Village where you have to save the village by finding the last Golden Momo whilst avoiding all the ghastly samurais!

Disclaimer: Many of the models and map(s) used in the game have been taken from the epic games marketplace and or Mixamo.

Core Gameplay Features:

1. AI Samurais, whenever they see you (Using Actual AI Pawn Sensing Feature) or sense you start laughing very loudly and chase after you. Apart from that whenever they don’t sense you they are patrolling within a given radius of their spawn location around the map, trying to look for you.2. The game was intended to give a horror perspective(Something similar to what games like The Outlast have done) to the player and hence was made in FPP (First Person Perspective) and as you will see the gameplay video below, that only a certain distance in front of the player is visible to the player, it is basically a Spot light attached to the player capsule which gives that amazing immersive horror experience.



I am currently in the process of making a really amazing mini tank shooter game, wherein you have to survive the battlefield with turrets and AI Tanks which have been made using Behaviour Trees and Blackboard Components and ARE CODED COMPLETELY IN C++. This Game's UI system has been made using Unreal’s UMG/Slate UI system and is coded completely in C++. I will update my portfolio once it is done.Below is a short showcase of a radial progress bar that I have made in Unreal's Slate, integrated with UMG, coded in C++. It can be used for several progress bar systems (Health Bar, Special Ability Bar, etc.)

(A Wireframe view of the progress bar with a resolution of 8)

That's it for now!
Check back later for more of my projects!

© This work is made by Jaysall Bedi, it is not to be used elsewhere. All rights reserved.